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Math Videos for Kids!

Do you need engaging videos for your 3rd grade, 4th grade, or 5th grade math students? Meet Doodles and Digits, a math video channel created specifically for upper elementary math!


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Doodles and Digits- Math Videos for Upper Elementary
Can you solve this Valentines Math Puzzle? | Math Puzzles for Kids

Can you solve this Valentines Math Puzzle? | Math Puzzles for Kids

Cupid has delivered a special math puzzle just for you this Valentine's Day! 💌 Get ready to test your problem-solving skills and creativity with this engaging visual challenge. Can you figure out the numerical value of each love-themed item and solve the equation? Here's how it works: We'll show you a series of equations using pictures of valentines, presents, and cookies. Your mission is to determine the numerical value of each item and solve for the final answer. It's like a fun Valentine's Day code-breaking adventure! Why this puzzle is awesome: - Engaging and Visual: This puzzle is perfect for visual learners and anyone who loves a good challenge. - Problem-Solving Practice: Sharpen your critical thinking and algebraic reasoning skills in a fun and interactive way. - Great for All Ages: Challenge yourself, or share it with your family and friends for some romantic fun! - Perfect for the Classroom: Teachers, use this puzzle to engage your students in math during Valentine's Day! Let's be Friends! Facebook: Instagram: Tiktok: Pinterest: Want a free video starter kit for your students? Want more information? Keywords: math puzzle, visual math, Valentine's Day math, problem-solving, critical thinking, algebra, fun math, math for kids, math games, educational videos, Valentine's Day activities, Doodles and Digits, math riddles, number puzzles, picture puzzles, logic puzzles, brain games, educational games, Valentine's Day games
How do theatres use math? | Real World Math Examples for Kids

How do theatres use math? | Real World Math Examples for Kids

Ever wondered how math plays a role in your favorite movies? Join us as we go behind the scenes of a theatre and discover the hidden math that makes movie magic! From ticket prices to seating arrangements, we'll explore the numbers that make movie magic happen. This video is perfect for students learning about math in real-world contexts and fostering a love of learning. Standards that this video can help support: 3.MD.A.1: Tell and write time to the nearest minute and measure time intervals in minutes. Solve word problems involving addition and subtraction of time intervals in minutes, e.g., by representing the problem on a number line diagram. 5.NBT.B.7: Add, subtract, multiply, and divide decimals to hundredths, using concrete models or drawings and strategies based on place value, properties of operations, and/or the relationship between addition and subtraction; relate the strategy to a written method and explain the reasoning used. Thank you to the Avalon Theatre for allowing me to see behind the scenes! Find more about them here: Let's be Friends! Facebook: Instagram: Tiktok: Pinterest: Want a free video starter kit for your students? Want more information?
10 Minute Calming Classroom Timer with Multiplication Chart | Soothing Music for Focus

10 Minute Calming Classroom Timer with Multiplication Chart | Soothing Music for Focus

Create a peaceful and productive learning environment with this 10-minute calming classroom timer. Featuring a colorful multiplication chart and soothing background music, this timer is perfect for independent work, transitions, or any time you need to help students focus and relax. - Reinforce multiplication facts: The multiplication chart provides a visual reminder of key math facts, supporting students as they work independently. - Versatile use: Perfect for test prep, independent work, transitions, brain breaks, or mindfulness activities. - Time management: Helps students develop time management skills and stay on track. Let's be Friends! Facebook: Instagram: Tiktok: Pinterest: Want a free video starter kit for your students? Want more information? Teachers, want these multiplication charts in your resources? Check out our multiplication chart clip art: Keywords: classroom timer, calming music, classroom management, multiplication chart, focus, concentration, relaxation, stress relief, anxiety relief, mindfulness, brain breaks, test prep, independent work, transitions, elementary school, middle school, high school, special education, ADHD, sensory, soothing, peaceful, calming classroom, study timer, focus music, background music, teacher resources, free resources, educational tools Hashtags: #classroomtimer #calmingmusic #classroommanagement #multiplicationchart #focus #concentration #relaxation #stressrelief #anxietyrelief #mindfulness #brainexercise #testprep #independentwork #transitions #elementaryschool #middleschool #highschool #specialeducation #adhd #sensory #soothing #peaceful #calmingclassroom #studytimer #focusmusic #backgroundmusic #teacherresources #freeresources #educationaltools
15 minute timer for Kids- With Multiplication Chart and Calming Music

15 minute timer for Kids- With Multiplication Chart and Calming Music

Create a peaceful and productive learning environment with this 15-minute calming classroom timer. Featuring a colorful multiplication chart and soothing background music, this timer is perfect for independent work, transitions, or any time you need to help students focus and relax. - Reduce stress and anxiety: The gentle music and visuals create a calming atmosphere, helping students feel more relaxed and focused. - Improve concentration: Soft background music can help block out distractions and improve concentration - Reinforce multiplication facts: The multiplication chart provides a visual reminder of key math facts, supporting students as they work independently. - Versatile use: Perfect for test prep, independent work, transitions, brain breaks, or mindfulness activities. - Time management: Helps students develop time management skills and stay on track. Let's be Friends! Facebook: Instagram: Tiktok: Pinterest: Want a free video starter kit for your students? Want more information? Teachers, want these multiplication charts in your resources? Check out our multiplication chart clip art: Keywords: classroom timer, calming music, classroom management, multiplication chart, focus, concentration, relaxation, stress relief, anxiety relief, mindfulness, brain breaks, test prep, independent work, transitions, elementary school, middle school, high school, special education, ADHD, sensory, soothing, peaceful, calming classroom, study timer, focus music, background music, teacher resources, free resources, educational tools Hashtags: #classroomtimer #calmingmusic #classroommanagement #multiplicationchart #focus #concentration #relaxation #stressrelief #anxietyrelief #mindfulness #brainexercise #testprep #independentwork #transitions #elementaryschool #middleschool #highschool #specialeducation #adhd #sensory #soothing #peaceful #calmingclassroom #studytimer #focusmusic #backgroundmusic #teacherresources #freeresources #educationaltools
5 Minute Calming Classroom Timer with Multiplication Chart | Soothing Music for Focus

5 Minute Calming Classroom Timer with Multiplication Chart | Soothing Music for Focus

Create a peaceful and productive learning environment with this 5-minute calming classroom timer. Featuring a colorful multiplication chart and soothing background music, this timer is perfect for independent work, transitions, or any time you need to help students focus and relax. - Reinforce multiplication facts: The multiplication chart provides a visual reminder of key math facts, supporting students as they work independently. - Versatile use: Perfect for test prep, independent work, transitions, brain breaks, or mindfulness activities. - Time management: Helps students develop time management skills and stay on track. Let's be Friends! Facebook: Instagram: Tiktok: Pinterest: Want a free video starter kit for your students? Want more information? Teachers, want these multiplication charts in your resources? Check out our multiplication chart clip art: Keywords: classroom timer, calming music, classroom management, multiplication chart, focus, concentration, relaxation, stress relief, anxiety relief, mindfulness, brain breaks, test prep, independent work, transitions, elementary school, middle school, high school, special education, ADHD, sensory, soothing, peaceful, calming classroom, study timer, focus music, background music, teacher resources, free resources, educational tools Hashtags: #classroomtimer #calmingmusic #classroommanagement #multiplicationchart #focus #concentration #relaxation #stressrelief #anxietyrelief #mindfulness #brainexercise #testprep #independentwork #transitions #elementaryschool #middleschool #highschool #specialeducation #adhd #sensory #soothing #peaceful #calmingclassroom #studytimer #focusmusic #backgroundmusic #teacherresources #freeresources #educationaltools

Video Library

Math video collections that are curated specifically with teachers and students in mind. Aligned with standards.

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Numbers and Operations: Base Ten

Numbers and Operations : Fractions


Measurement & Data

Real-Life Applications

How It's Math - Full Episodes

Math Timers

Operations & Algebraic Thinking

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